. OFFER Mint Fresh Whip Cream Charger x 1 (615g N2O)
In Stock: 750
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Fresh Whip
MPN: |
Fresh Whip Mint 615g |
2.000kg |
Nothing wrong with these - long story short: our supplier had a customer who changed their mind about wanting mint flavour, so they sold them to us v cheap!
Single mint flavoured Fresh Whip cream charger for use with our regulator-adapter to connect directly to cream whippers or soda syphons. Fresh Whip cream chargers are compatible with the Roselle InfusoSoda for making infused cocktails.
Fresh Whip is ideal for restaurants, bars, cafes, and commercial kitchens to quickly and conveniently fill cream whippers or soda syphons. Simply connect the filling hose between regulator and whipper, and in just a few seconds the whipper is charged and ready for dispensing. Prepare all kinds of drinks and dishes, from whipped cream to espumas or N2O infused cocktails. Contains 615g of nitrous oxide gas which is equivalent to 80 cream charger cartridges.
Combined with our whipper/syphon adapter it can be used in virtually all cream whippers, including Mosa, Liss, Smart Whip, ICO, VonShef, ISI, Whip It and Best Whip.
Sale of this product is restricted.
ID Required for first purchase.
This product is not for sale to under 18's.
To comply with UK government legislation we will text you for photo ID prior to dispatch.
We'll also ask you to confirm what you'll be using the product for.
Send ID by text or WhatsApp to: 07359003227
We will refuse to sell Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Cream Charger cartridges or cylinders to you if we suspect you intend to misuse them or are under 18.
Includes 1 x gas discharge nozzle for safe disposal.
Please use the discharge nozzle to ensure the cylinder is empty prior to disposal.
Made from 100% recyclable steel.
For use with M10x1RH threaded regulators only.
Contains liquified Nitrous Oxide (E942) gas under high pressure.
Please only use with an approved device and follow manufacturers instructions.
Non-aerosol. Non refillable. Recyclable. For food use only.
Ensure empty prior to disposal - use discharge nozzle.
Keep out of reach of children.
50C Max temperature and -5C Min temperature.
Storage and operating temperature: 3C (minimum) 50C (maximum).
Maximum fill pressure for cream whippers is 35 kg/cm2.
Do not take onboard an aircraft.
Nitrous Oxide (E942), flavouring
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