Data Security
Security of the information you give us.
Please be confident about giving us all the information we require to process your order. We have in place state of the art systems to protect your personal information.
How we protect your data:
This site is PCI-DSS compliant - certified by McAfee.
McAfee scan our server daily to test for vulnerabilities.
Our site uses SSL PKI to encode all of your data.
We don't store your card details. Some online retailers store your card details. If they have a security breach a fraudster can steal these details. This is what happened when fraudsters stole the card details of 94 million TK Maxx (TJX) customers, resulting in nearly $100m of fraudulent transactions!
We use 3D-Secure, Address Verification Service (AVS) and our own fraud detection systems to prevent fraud against us.
All paperwork with confidential information on it is shredded by Shred-It.
Our building is protected by a Dualcom alarm system, security shutters, IP Web Cameras and a security patrol.
Data Protection
For your safety we (Drink Concepts Limited) have registered with the Information Commissioner for Data Protection. Reg No. ZB307739
To confirm our Registration enter our Reg No. into the search tool on the Information Commissioners Office website
For more information on how we handle your information see our detailed Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy in our Privacy Centre in our advice centre.
Identity Theft.
If you believe you are the victim of identity theft you should:
Report lost or stolen documents to the issuer.
If you believe someone has opened an acccount in your name you must contact the company concerned.
Report any suspicious transactions to your bank or card issuer.
Check you credit file -,,
Apply for 'Protective Registration' with the CIFAS
Another useful site is
If you have any questions or comments about our Data Security, Privacy Policy or Cookies Policy or believe we have not adhered to them, please contact our Data Controller -